Re: In Support of Polls

Steve Sando (
Thu, 23 Nov 1995 10:05:23 +0000

> Bad idea for the future:
> Getting people to justify and review all the stuff they recommend in a poll.
> Now that might get a little silly in terms of message lengths, but people
> just giving a quick and short shout for their favourite things is surely no
> problem.

As a mostly longtime lurker (and occasional ranter), I love the
polls. My main interests are more straight ahead jazz, but I've
received more than enough good advice on new discs to buy to justify
the traffic. Simon's idea above would make the list even more

The list also is fascinating when the Tricky album ended up on half
of the best lists and half of the overrated lists. I love this kind
of thing!

Coconut Grove, publishers of MisterLUCKY
PO Box 78146, San Francisco, CA 94107
"Strange how potent cheap music is" - Noel Coward