Re: more groups like The Bucketheads?
Thu, 14 Nov 1996 15:04:37 -0500

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I thought Bucketheads was another pseudonym for the Masters @ Work. Anyone?

hi folks. i picked up the buckethead's "all in the mind" a few months
back, and i'm still playing it. if you've heard the CD, what other
groups should i check out in this style? the bucketheads slam some
group called hustler's convention in their liner notes, saying "we've
been doing this for years", are they worth picking up? i saw a CD by
the new jersey kings that had that miles davis "on the bus stop"-style
cover art, how about that? thanks.


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From: Alan Ramaley <>
To: "''" <acid-jazz@UCSD.EDU>
Subject: more groups like The Bucketheads?
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 13:48:34 -0800
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