Re: Acid-Jazz needs reform!

Paulo Fonseca (
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 11:15:16 +0100

Matthew Peyton wrote:

>Ahem, "first up", we never asked to be on your list. You sent your
>message to the acid-jazz mailing list which prevents us from making a
>choice to read your small time record company drivel.

Of course you asked to be in CK's list! You asked to be in the AJ list
so we must presume that you want to receive every single mail that's
sent to the list. Don't forget one important thing: with a little post
here and a bigger post there you can add them and get a lot of precious
information on the music we all love. Isn't that the reason why we're
all here?

>The good news is that it will be easy to remember the name OM Records
>the next time I'm at the store. I can assure you I'll take great care
>to avoid your label.

I'm sorry to say but that's stupid of you. You're missing a great record
label. Ny only sorry is that I only own a copy of Mushroom Jazz. BTW,
Chris, what other OM releases should I check out? BTW, Chris, please
write something in the subject line. When I receive your posts I'm
always afraid it's an anonymous one! :-)

>This is not a forum for your press releases or music hype.

Come again?! I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you but the music
business runs on Press Releases!

>I have just reviewed the 14 messages you've sent to this group since
>last September and only a few were topical. The rest contained the
>typical promotional crap that you send to your own mailing list. If you
>were decent enough to cull your mailing list from interested OM
>enthusiasts then why do you reject this policy by force-feeding your
>message to the many hundred (if not thousand) that exchange mail
>through acid-jazz?

That's really rude! Nasty boy!

Don't pay attention Chris. Just keep on sending your posts with OM press

> <suggestions>

I'll abreviate your suggestions with a simple one: if you don't like the
AJ list why don't you unsubscribe it? Have you ever been in another
mailing list? I must say that I did but I've unsubscribed them all. I
got about 120 posts a day with mail bomb threats and other crap. From
time to time there was a music related post but never meetting the lists
interest. I didn't like it so I got out of there! I think that what
civalized people do?!

>I doubt I'm alone on this but others have to speak up.

If I know the other guys I bet you are alone on this one!

Well, that's too much atention to pay on a post that the only thing he
deserved was a big hit in the del key. That's what I'll do. Them I'll
start listening to some records to put up Horas Funktasticas' next
playlist so I can bug you all with it!

See ya,

Paulo Fonseca