Gap Jeans Commercial
Wed, 14 May 1997 19:15:59 -0400 (EDT)

I think I've found the answer to the raging question of "Who is that rhyming
man in the Gap jeans commercial?" Before I went to find the answer I would
have sworn up and down that it was LL Cool J, so I did the intelligent thing
and went to the GAP website to see if they had any info, and they certainly
did. The guy in the commercials is none other than LL Cool J. Now I know
some of you will still say it's the Boogeyman and that there are 2 different
commecials and I'll tell you that you are half right. There are 2
commecials, but they are both LL. To see for yourself go to:
and click on advertising at the top of the screen, then click on the picture
of David Arquette and you can then click on the picture of LL. And then if
you are still not convinced you can download the commercials and view them
for yourself. I hope I have put this debate to rest.
