Poumtchak (was: house)

From: Heikki J Wilenius (heikki.wilenius@iki.fi)
Date: Wed Jul 19 2000 - 09:21:40 MET DST

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    On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, christopherotto wrote:

    > nepenta, nrk, and poumtchak also have some tracks that fit with some of
    > the labels you are talking of.

    I just discovered Poumtchak a while ago. They have some excellent
    funky/disco-ish house. Comes highly recommended for people normally
    not so much into house (i.e.: me). For example, check out their
    12"s number 1 and 5. However, their stuff is of varying quality.
    Try before you buy. =)


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