Youngblood Brass Band

From: B. Allison (
Date: Sun Apr 22 2001 - 18:12:31 CEST

  • Next message: Olaf Molenveld: "Re: OT: I'm buying a new mixer"

       Can't remember if it was this list or another that
    once talked about these guys -- but thanks to whoever
    did. caught them friday night as part of the MOR tour.

       for those unfamiliar, YBs are a nine or 10 piece
    mostly brass band from Madison, Wisconsin (of all
    places!) who rock influences ranging from jazz and
    salsa to hip hop and new orleans style calypiso(sp?).

      i really didn't know what to expect when i stepped
    inside the club in kalamazoo, michigan. it was mainly
    empty, few people millin in the corners. a guy who i
    later came to realize was d-cipher was drummin on a
    practice pad. by the time they got on to start the
    show, there was like 20 people in their, maybe. but
    Youngbloods began and just came with so much energy
    and style that by the end the people were standin up
    cheering, shakin that ass -- it was amazing how they
    won everyone over.

    the warrior (who plays tuba) is fantastic, usin the
    instrument as a bass at times, other times spittin out
    this strange "cosmic" synth. Joe Goltz had his
    trombone on fire the whole set.

    picked up their album, "Unlearn," after the show.
    Features Talib Kweli on one track, Mike Ladd
    (acousticons!) on another. DJ Skooly steps in for a
    couple on the tables. all around, a very diverse
    sounding LP, their second.

    check em at:
      or -- youngblood brass band


    p.s. is there other brass bands out there doin stuff
    like this?

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