Wagon Christ on KFJC (SF Bay Area)

From: Mark Turner (nugroove@pacbell.net)
Date: Thu May 03 2001 - 07:42:45 CEST

  • Next message: Szirtes, Thomas: "RE: Vikter Duplaix"

    Hi all,

    Just a quick promotional announcement:

    Luke Vibert (aka Wagon Christ aka Plug) will be dropping some tunes and
    chatting with yours truly, along with regular Thursday afternoon DJ Nozmo
    King, tomorrow afternoon on KFJC (www.kfjc.org), sometime between 3 and 4pm,
    PDT. Then he'll be DJ'ing later that night at Club 6ix, 60 Sixth Street in
    San Francisco.

    And now that I have your attention...let me also mention that I will also be
    GUEST DJ for Toni Rumori on this weekend's edition of "Electric Soup,"
    Sunday night 10pm-2am PDT on KFJC. Hope you can tune in...

    Mark Turner

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