Re: CORRECT!!!!! -generators??

From: stephanie (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 21:30:05 CEST

  • Next message: Dirk van den Heuvel: "RE: 2-step track ID?"

    Recently in Indiana, i spun a few at an Earth day
    thing in the park. Hippies brought the generator,
    this big huge thing with like its own transformer or
    at least lots of impressive looking gear. This thing
    burned a plant-dervied, low-emission fuel. Many many

    We are starting the motor on outdoor parties here in
    philly again, does anyone have any leads on
    alternative energy and portable generators? Wouldn't
    it be killer to hook up a PV panel/battery outside?

    Let's start a new political party, Acid Jazz Junkies
    for Alternative Energy, or AJJAE pronounced

    Um, nevermind, let's just all join the Green party.

    --- "Eelco B." <> wrote:
    > WOW......I can relate o that statement
    > 200%.........they are the
    > prostitutes of the multinationals in this world.
    > Total lack of charisma, no
    > brains........
    > > But at least that's cool. At least you don't have
    > to worry about your
    > > electric bills... (this one goes out to everyone
    > in Cali... :))
    > not to mention contributing to the greenhouse gases
    > which are causing
    > global
    > warming. i don't care if this is off topic because
    > bush and cheney are
    > corrupt oil monkey bitches.
    > if the people lead, the leaders will follow:

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