random thought about Psycho on da Bus

From: stephanie (nnine@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon May 21 2001 - 19:28:43 CEST

  • Next message: Dirk van den Heuvel: "RE: Visit Venus"

    Picked up this project by Tony Allen, Doctor L, et al
    on Comet. I have all the Allenco Brotherhood Ensemble
    singles and this LP is in the vein of the latest one,
    more dubby and chill, rather than the bouncy, taught,
    happy style of the earlier ones.

    I was listening to it yesterday, a dreary, boring
    sunday, and it reminded me of the old Reprazent - New
    Forms stuff. I haven't put my finger on it, but I
    think it's something about the clever, smirking
    darkness, and the spaciousness of the sounds. You
    know what I mean? Something about the way it sounds
    thats just left of familiar? That might just be my
    experience, not sure. Both albums are also awefully
    (sic) oblique, subliminal and varied in styles, and
    full of rich little soundscapes.

    This was the first I'd had a chance to sit down and
    listen and I thought I'd mention.

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