Re: Didgeridoo grooves?

Tim G. Wagner (
Mon, 14 Aug 1995 16:35:23 -0400

>> For that matter, anyone got any hot tips on any other Brazilian
>>flavored AJ?
>I would say check out Soul Bossa Trio (from Japan I think).
>But I want to know what Tim W. thinks!

Well, Scott--

When it comes to Brazilian Groove, I can go on for hours. Yet Alas, I won't.
The groove to check out right now on the Brasil tip IMHO are:

Psycodelico - Reminescence Quartet (Amazing Jungle-mooded Batucada)
Os Championes on Soul Jazz (It Feels So Good)
Goal - Depth Charge (Although it's old, who cares?
Brasil flavored hiphop!)

and the new Timbalada LP. (best Bahia bloco/groupo there is. period.)

and the soul bossa trio, too. The good bossa cheese done right.

any body else got some suggestions?

Tim (W.) from Buffalo
