Re: Sampler CD: Name suggestion. (HARDLY RELATED)

Gibo (
Thu, 21 Sep 1995 23:48:00 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 21 Sep 1995, Elson Trinidad wrote:

> The ony problem is that the "@" symbol stands for "At" and not "A".
> Any other person might read "J@zz" as "Jatzz."
Ben, did you realize this? I think we've found a design flaw in your
idea. (I thought @ was just another way to write A, so I didn't spot
it.) what are we going to do?

this also ruins my "@ll th@t j@zz" idea, as someone could easily be
misled into thinking I meant "atll thatt jatzz," which wouldn't make any
sense @ all.

but the worst thing about this is today I wrote someone e-mail from a broken
keyboard, where the "a" key was too sticky to use, and I had to use the
"@" key instead. here's what I told them:

"@nyw@y, @llison, @ll I h@d to s@y w@s comp@ring @lb@ni@n
@n@rchist @rt to @pp@l@chi@n @rchery w@s @ tot@lly @sinine

she's going to be so confused. I hope she doesn't ask me what
atppatlatchiatn atrchery is tomorrow.

(yep, it's non-AJ. sorry, all, but I saw some humor in the situation and
thought I should at least @-empt to show it to you. no malice, Elson, I
just thought it was funny.)

giles bowkett -
Zaphod: "Listen, three eyes, don't you try to outweird me.
I get stranger things than you free with my breakfast cereal."