FW: Origins of Rap

araya,juan carlos (jcar@whstar.wh.att.com)
20 Feb 96 01:43:00 -0500

Its not BULL-SHIT to know your past and learn from the masters. Arrogance
keeps the mind weak, lack of respect of the past works only limits you of
the great possiblilities of the future. I like to repeat that no one owns
music (no Eurocentric or Afrocentric, there are many sades of color) such as
no one owns a style. Culture and history is very important in understanding
music. Diversity in people is what makes people beautiful and also music. A
people's music is a reflection of them and their culture and there history.
History is important, in Music and in life. Knowledge is power but without
wisdom knowledge is nothing or worst - dangerous. There is much wisdom to
learn from the past.


"So why the bickering over "whose" music is rap? You could
argue about it forever and it would get you nowhere. Don't let national
boundaries stop you, you could keep going with "Its a Black thing, Its a
male thing, Its a New York thing, Its a South Bronx thing." Thats a lot
of stupid bullshit. All you can really do is give acknowledgment and
props. "Realize, its all one" -DJ Shadow. I love that statement, its all
that needs to be said. Peace-