staying power
Mon, 08 Jul 96 16:16:18 edt

Even though my love for this music has been above and beyond the call,
I think a lot of stuff that goes on the shelves has anything but
staying power. A lot of music people tout and trumpet just can't hack
it when it comes to becoming living legend. That said, I will admit
that I still put on the first Brand New Heavies album, and I really
don't even care about that band anymore. I still believe that Young
Disciples' "Road to Freedom" album is a modern classic. And in terms
of production values and original twists I think most of Kruder and
Dormeister's product has staying power. These are strictly off the top
of my head, and I know other people can probably come up with better

I know something doesn't have the staying power when, upon listening
now, it just sounds corny or hokey, even if it was the bomb when I
first heard it. If the music was created with sincerity and integrity
it should last the ages.
