Re: Ringo...

Dylan (
Tue, 18 Mar 1997 11:01:19 -0500

At 10:34 AM 3/18/97 -0500, wrote:
> Well I'm glad we got that sorted out, and that we're all happily
> agreed on the subject. Cheers people!
> BTW, I have never seen The Simpsons. Is it any good?

Yes, it is, and I'll bonk you on your head.

[Hahahaha.....just kidding Erik! ;) Ya gotta admit though, that was pretty
slick...I got all three in one sentence: off topic, meaningless post, *and*
a physical threat....]

**HEY YOU!!!** L@@K ---> NY area DJ seeks gigs. My styles range from
the deep space funk of drum and bass to twisted urban ambient to deep house
to all tenses of jazz (past, present, and future). For booking, send me an
email ( or call the Land of D at 718.349.3590.
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