New Cuts for the collection...

Erik Gaderlund
Sat, 4 Apr 1998 00:45:53 -0800

JJ wrote:
>Another pick out there is a little more on the jazzy side but still has
>enough of that element of experimentation and funk to make me buy it. It's
>Charlie Hunter & Pound for Pound and the CD is called "Return of the
>Candyman" My favorite cuts are, "Bongo Comfort", "Enter the Dragon",
>"Mystic Relaxation", "Pound for Pound", "Grinch Comfort", "Shake, Shake it
>Baby", and "Of Things to Come". At least 7 out of 12 cuts - not bad huh?
>Unfortunately four of these are short 1-2 minute interludes which is my
>biggest gripe about the album. If anyone tried to remix some of their jams
>it would simply be too silky. You can check a couple cuts and more info at
>Blue Note's webpage:

Check out another wicked cover, this time it's "fly lke an eagle" track 3,
that came out of a gig when they got requests for 'fly like an eagle' and
'giant steps' and they played them together. Lee Townsend, their producer
liked it some much he had Charlie do it in the studio. And, for those in
NYC Charlie is now there, he is not to be missed, even just solo.

erik g