Re: DJ Honda

Jon Logan (
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 14:01:10 -0700

I picked up H2 last week after hearing him spin in San Francisco a few days
earlier. Overall, the album is pretty good. He collaborates with a bunch
of different acts, which results in an album that is stylistically all over
the place. the De la Soul track is excellent, and the KRS-1 track is also
really good. I'm not a hip hop afficionado, so I am not familiar with a
lot of the acts on this disc. a good listen overall, tho.

At 9:27 AM +0800 4/23/98, [ C H R I S ] wrote:
>Did anybody pick up the latest CD from DJ Honda. Reviews? Thanks
>C H R I S
>Check out the MP3 traders mailing lists at

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