Re: (portishead) Saturday, June 27, 1998: FEATURES

Christopher Lane (
Mon, 06 Jul 1998 16:01:08 -0700

Hi mark givens, Portisheads, and other concerned parties,

Uh, Kevin, a couple of questions:
1) What the hell does this mean? :::: "with Beth bravely bearing the
strain of a weighty emotional rucksuck.
We're talking baggage, and plenty of it."
2) Is this some kind of Irish idiomatic expression? :::: "a languid selection
of blue-beat
porch songs,"
3) Now what is the EXACT meaning of the following? :::: "Now this might well
sound a
tad long-faced and maudlin, and there's no denying that it is."

4) Did your typewriter fall asleep at the end of this sentence? :::: "from the
band's two
albums, 1994's Breakthrough Dummy and last year's
eponymously titled Grower."
If any of the rest of you nice Portisheads in this wonderful list can
enlighten me, Please Do!
I have an irritated weighty emotional rucksack that's bugging the hell out of
me with talking baggage, and I mean plenty of it, with a languid selection of
Porch Songs with blue beat, long-faced, and maudlin music critics conspiring
behind it (there's no denying that it is) and I have a question for Jenn about
why the band's eponymously titled "Grower" isn't on her extensive
discographie? It's no wonder that I'm a Dummy.

Thanks, Ci
mark givens wrote:

> concert review
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------