RE: A Matter of Production

christopherotto (
Sun, 9 May 1999 20:04:36 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 9 May 1999, BAO wrote:

> cd sound quality is incredibly better. Nothing sounds better, clearer.
> Vinyl sounds good but more of a soulful sound not as clear or capturing
> evry sound. I know that last sentence will start argumenst.

actually vinyl has all the sounds captured if it is an analog recording.
cd's are sampled so some sound is lost. there is probably little
difference though these days since most music is recorded to DAT and then
pressed to vinyl. i guess you only hear the analog advantage on indierock
type stuff recorded on fourtrack and then pressed to seveninches or

                        "none of the method, all of the madness"

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