$¢'s happeninz' around town (NYC)

Jim Dier (threedueces@hotmail.com)
Fri, 19 Nov 1999 02:54:45 PST

Been a while since I updated my sorrie scene, so here goes:

Fridaze "And Now For Something Completely Different"
Mercury Lounge, Housten btw. Ludlow and Ave. A

A new gig I started a lil' over a month ago to combat the usually
conservative weekend NY scene. Trying to make it as eclectic as possible,
more wierder/spacer stuff happening towards the end of the evening. Lots
and lots of grooves from drum n' bass to jump blues, with guests every week.
  (Had Steinski a coupla weeks ago, nice to see him active again...) 3
bones. Cheap! (ala Mad magazine)

Saturdaze "Bar XVI's Weekend Getaway"
Bar XVI, 16 1st Ave. (1st/2nd Streets)

My long standing (around two years now) saturday night fish fry. Lots of
hip hop with funk, latin, breaks, drum n' bass, ragga, house and s'more hip
hop thrown in. Some hits, plenty of surprises and remixes, lotsa old skool,
and no Puff Daddy. 3/5 bones, lemme know if you're coming, I have a small

Tuesdaze "Prohibited Beatz"
Shine, 285 W. B'way (near Canal)

Not my party, more Jojo Mayer's platform for his band Nerve, the pre-eminant
live DnB act IM(not so)HO. The guy is fucking sick on the drums. I'm
managing the party and invitin' y'all to come down. Different lineup for
the band every week, DJ's Swingsett and Yoshi are residents; the drum and
bass illuminati of NY all have graced the decks here, and we're having other
peeps like myself, DJ Aura, Qool Marv and others do their thing to mix it
up. 10 bucks/5 reduced. Call 212.501.3930 to get on the reduced list.

You can also find me once a month at Swingsett's fine Testpress Sundaze at
Drinkland (10th btw A/B) and assorted venues around town.


Jim Dier aka $mall ¢hange
     nnnicckel aannd ddime rrradio
         wednesdaze 11pm-2am EST wfmu 91.1fm NJ
               stylee@wfmu.org www.wfmu.org

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