Re: SADE News

From: Elson Trinidad (
Date: Sat Sep 16 2000 - 19:03:50 MET DST

  • Next message: Steven Grebanier: "If in Toronto-Fri Sept 22"

    At 09:47 AM 9/16/00 -0700, Steve Catanzaro wrote:
    >Raise your hand if you'll be in the record store on 11/14/00 to pick that
    >one up...

    ...Or download it from Napster a few days before then... :)

    j/k but even if I did I'd still buy it. MP3s help record sales, and that's
    a *fact*.


    - 30 -
    : . elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa
    : . :
    : . groove to the futurethnic beats of e:trinity at and

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